- εἴωθα
- Parse: Verb: Perf Act Ind 1st Sing
- Root: ἔθω
- εἰώθαμεν
- Parse: Verb: Perf Act Ind 1st Plur
- Root: ἔθω
- εἰώθεσαν
- Parse: Verb: PluPerf Act Ind 3rd Plur
- Meaning: to be accustomed
- Root: ἔθω
- εἰώθασι, εἰώθασιν
- Parse: Verb: Perf Act Ind 3rd Plur
- Root: ἔθω
- εἰωθει
- Parse: Verb: PluPerf Act Ind 3rd Sing
- Root: ἔθω
- εἰώθειν
- Parse: Verb: Perf Act Infin
- Root: ἔθω
- εἴωθε, εἴωθεν
- Parse: Verb: Perf Act Ind 3rd Sing
- Root: ἔθω
- εἰωθός
- Parse: Part: Perf Act Nom/Acc Sing Neut
- Root: ἔθω
- εἰωθότας
- Parse:
- Part: Perf Act Acc Plur Masc
- Meaning:
- Root:ἔθω
- εἰωθότων
- Parse:
- Part: Perf Act Gen Plur Masc/Neut
- Meaning:
- Root:ἔθω
- εἴων
- Parse:
- Verb: Imperfect Act Ind 1st Sing
- Verb: Imperfect Act Ind 3rd Plur
- Root: ἐάω