- ἀναδεδειγμένον
- ἀναδέδειχα
- ἀναδείκνυμι, ἀναδεικνύω
- Active Meaning:
- to lift up and display, exhibit
- to indicate
- to show clearly, reveal, declare in public
- to appoint, commission
- to disclose
- Passive Meaning:
- to be made known
- to be dedicated
- to be consecrated
- Forms:
- ἀναδειχθῆναι
- ἀναδεῖξαι
- ἀναδείξας
- ἀναδείξει
- ἀναδείξεως
- ἀνάδειξιν
- ἀνάδειξις
- Meaning:
- indication
- manifestation, displaying, exhibiting, showing, a proclamation, declaration
- commissioning, installation
- Forms:
- ἀνάδειξον
- ἀναδειχθέντι
- ἀναδειχθήσῃ
- ἀνάδελφος
- Parse: Adj: Nom Sing Masc/Fem
- Meaning: without a brother or sister
- Forms:
- ἀναδενδράδα
- ἀναδενδράδες
- ἀναδενδράδος
- Parse: Noun: Gen Sing Fem
- Meaning: tree vine
- Root: ἀναδενδράς
- ἀναδενδράς
- Meaning: tree vine, a vine that grows up trees
- Forms:
- ἀναδεξάμενος
- Parse: Part: Aor Mid Nom Sing Masc
- Root: ἀναδέχομαι
- ἀναδέχεται
- Parse: Verb: Pres Mid/Pass Ind 3rd Sing
- Root: ἀναδέχομαι
- ἀναδέχομαι
- Meaning:
- to accept, receive
- to welcome and entertain (a guest), receive
- to take up, catch, receive
- Forms:
- ἀναδεξάμενος Part: Aor Mid Nom Sing Masc
- ἀνεδέξατο Verb: Aor Mid Ind 3rd Sing
- ἀναδέχεται Verb: Pres Mid/Pass Ind 3rd Sing
- ἀναδέω
- Meaning:
- to acquire a crown
- to bind up, tie up, fasten
- with Accusative of a person: to crown (someone)
- Forms:
- ἀναδησάμενον Part: Aor Mid Acc Sing Masc
- ἀναδησάμενον
- Parse:
- Part: Aor Mid Nom Sing Neut
- Part: Aor Mid Acc Sing Masc/Neut
- Root: ἀναδέω
- ἀναδίδωμι
- Meaning:
- to deliver, hand over, give up
- to communicate orally, signal
- to burst, burst out, issue forth
- Forms:
- ἀναδόντες Part: 2Aor Act Nom Plur Masc
- ἀναδούς Part: Aor Act Nom Sing Masc
- ἀναδώσει Verb: Fut Act Ind 3rd Sing
- ἀναδίδωσι(ν) Verb: Pres Act Ind 3rd Sing
- ἀναδίδωσι, ἀναδίδωσιν
- Parse: Verb: Pres Act Ind 3rd Sing
- Root: ἀναδίδωμι
- ἀναδόντες
- Parse: Part: 2Aor Act Nom Plur Masc
- Root: ἀναδίδωμι
- ἀναδούς
- Parse: Part: Aor Act Nom Sing Masc
- Root: ἀναδίδωμι
- ἀναδραμοῦσα
- Parse: Part: Aor Act Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: to run back
- Root: ἀνατρέχω
- ἀναδραμών
- Parse: Part: Aor Act Nom Sing Masc
- Root: ἀνατρέχω
- ἀναδράμωσι, ἀναδράμωσιν
- Parse:
- Verb: Pres Act Subj 3rd Plur
- Verb: Aor Act Subj 3rd Plur
- Root: ἀνατρέχω
- ἀναδύντες
- Parse: Part: Aor Act Nom Plur Masc
- Meaning: to come to the top of the water
- Root: ἀναδύνω
- ἀναδύνω
- Meaning: to come to the top of the water
- ἀναδῦσα
- Parse: Part: Aor Act Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning: to come to the top of the water
- Root: ἀναδύνω
- ἀνάδυσις
- Meaning:
- a drawing back, retreat
- act of emerging from underneath
- emerging of land as the water retreats
- ἀναδώσει
- Parse: Verb: Fut Act Ind 3rd Sing
- Root: ἀναδίδωμι