- γενεά
- Meaning:
- family, clan, race, descendants
- generation, contemporaries, i.e., all those born around the same time
- age, i.e., a period of time
- a period of time when a group of people (born about the same time) live
- peers, contemporaries, a whole body of people born about the same time
- all the blood relations
- birthplace
- single step in descent
- product, something produced
- Forms:
- γενάρχης
- γενεᾷ
- Parse: Noun: Dat Sing Fem
- Root: γενεά (family)
- γενεαί
- γενεαῖς
- Parse: Noun: Dat Plur Fem
- Root: γενεά (family)
- γενεαλογέω
- Parse: Part: Pres Mid/Pass Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning:
- to trace (someone's) pedigree
- to trace descent, count by descent, trace one's genealogy
- to reckon by generations, i.e., trace in genealogy
- Forms:
- γενεαλογούμενος Part: Pres Mid/Pass Nom Sing Masc
- ἐγενεαλογήθη Verb: Aor Pass Ind 3rd Sing
- γενεαλογουμένου Part: Pres MP Gen Sing Masc/Neut
- γενεαλογία
- Meaning: genealogy
- Forms:
- γενεαλογίαις
- Parse: Noun: Dat Plur Fem
- Root: γενεαλογία (genealogy)
- γενεαλογίας
- Parse:
- Noun: Gen Sing Fem
- Noun: Acc Plur Fem
- Root: γενεαλογία (genealogy)
- γενεαλογούμενος
- Parse: Part: Pres Mid/Pass Nom Sing Masc
- Root: γενεαλογέω (to trace genealogy)
- γενεαλογουμένου
- Parse: Part: Pres MP Gen Sing Masc/Neut
- Root: γενεαλογέω (to trace genealogy)
- γενεαλογοῦντες
- Parse: Part: Pres Act Nom Plur Masc
- Root: γενεαλογέω (to trace genealogy)
- γενεαλογοῦσα
- Parse: Part: Pres Act Nom Sing Fem
- Root: γενεαλογέω (to trace genealogy)
- γενεάν
- Parse: Noun: Acc Sing Fem
- Root: γενεά (family)
- γενεάς
- Parse: Noun: Acc Plur Fem
- Root: γενεά (family)
- γενεᾶς
- Parse: Noun: Gen Sing Fem
- Root: γενεά (family)
- γενεῆς
- Parse:
- Root: γενεά (family)
- γενεθλιαλογία
- Meaning:
- astrology, casting of nativities
- Forms:
- γενέθλη
- γενέθλιον
- Parse: Adj: Acc Sing Fem
- Root: γενέθλιος (birthday)
- γενέθλιος
- Parse: Adj: Nom Sing Fem
- Meaning:
- relation to birth
- +ἡμέρα = birthday
- Forms:
- γένει
- Parse: Noun: Dat Sing Neut
- Root: γένος (race, family)
- γένεια
- γενειάω
- Parse:
- Verb: Pres Act Ind 1st Sing
- Meaning:
- to grow a beard, to get a beard
- Forms:
- γένειον
- Meaning: chin, beard
- Forms:
Neuter |
| Singular | Plural |
NOM | γένειον | γένεια |
GEN | γενείου | γενείων |
DAT | γενείῳ | γενείοις |
ACC | γένειον | γένεια |
- γενείων
- Parse: Noun: Gen Plur Neut
- Root: γένειον (chin, beard)
- γενέσει
- Parse: Noun: Dat Sing Fem
- Root: γένεσις (beginning, origin)
- γενέσεις
- γενέσεσιν
- Parse: Noun: Dat Plur Fem
- Root: γένεσις (beginning, origin)
- γενέσεων
- Parse: Noun: Gen Plur Fem
- Root: γένεσις (beginning, origin)
- γενέσεως
- Parse: Noun: Gen Sing Fem
- Root: γένεσις (beginning, origin)
- γενέσθαι
- Parse: Verb: 2Aor Mid Infin
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γένεσθε
- Parse: Verb: 2Aor Mid Imperative 2nd Plur
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενέσθω
- Parse: Verb: 2Aor Mid Imperative 3rd Sing
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενέσθωσαν
- Parse: Verb: Aor Mid Imperative 3rd Plur
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενέσια
- Parse:
Adj: Nom/Acc Sing Neut
- Root: γενέσιος (birthday)
- γενεσιάρχης
- γένεσι, γένεσιν
- Parse #1: Noun: Dat Plur Neut
- Root: γένος (race, family)
- ——
- Parse #2: Noun: Acc Sing Fem
- Root: γένεσις (beginning, origin)
- γενεσίοις
- Parse: Adj: Dat Plur Neut
- Root: γενέσιος (birthday)
- γενέσιος
- Parse: Adj: Nom Sing Masc/Fem
- Meaning: birthday celebration, birthday ceremonies
- Forms:
- γενεσιουργός
- Meaning:
- creator
- author of existence
- γένεσις
- Meaning:
- beginning, origin, descent, nativity, birth
- existence
- genealogy, family, generation, offspring, listing of descendants (in chronological order)
- nature, natural
- kind, species, type
- γενεσίων
- Parse: Adj: Gen Plur MFN
- Root: γενέσιος (birthday)
- γενετή
- Meaning: birth, time of birth
- Forms:
- γενετῆς
- Parse: Noun: Gen Sing Fem
- Root: γενετή (birth)
- γενέτης
- γενέτιν
- Parse: Noun: Acc Sing Fem
- Root: γενέτις
- γενέτις
- Meaning:
- one who brings into existence
- mother
- Forms:
- γενεῶν
- Parse: Noun: Gen Plur Fem
- Root: γενεά (family)
- γένη
- Root: γένος (race, family)
- γένῃ
- Parse: Verb: Aor Mid Subj 2nd Sing
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενηθεῖεν
- Parse:
- Verb: Aor Pass Opt 3rd Plur
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενηθείς
- Parse: Part: Aor Pass Nom Sing Masc
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενηθεῖσα
- Parse: Part: Aor Pass Nom Sing Fem
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενηθεῖσαν
- Parse:
- Part: Aor Pass Acc Sing Fem
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενηθείσῃ
- Parse: Part: Aor Pass Dat Sing Fem
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενηθείσης
- Parse: Part: Aor Pass Gen Sing Fem
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενηθέντας
- Parse: Part: Aor Pass Acc Plur Masc
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενηθέντες
- Parse: Part: Aor Pass Nom Plur Masc
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενηθέντι
- Parse:
- Part: Aor Pass Dat Sing Masc/Neut
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενηθέντος
- Parse: Part: Aor Pass Gen Sing Masc/Neut
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενηθέντων
- Parse: Part: Aor Pass Gen Plur Masc/Neut
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενηθῇ
- Parse: Verb: Aor Pass Subj 3rd Sing
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενηθῆναι
- Parse: Verb: Aor Pass Infin
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενηθῇς
- Parse: Verb: Aor Pass Subj 2nd Sing
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενήθητε
- Parse: Verb: Aor Pass Imperative 2nd Plur
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενήθητι
- Parse: Verb: Aor Pass Imperative 2nd Sing
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενηθήτω
- Parse: Verb: Aor Pass Imperative 3rd Sing
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενηθήτωσαν
- Parse: Verb: Aor Pass Imperative 3rd Plur
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενηθῶμεν
- Parse: Verb: Aor Pass Subj 1st Plur
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενηθῶσι, γενηθῶσιν
- Parse: Verb: Aor Pass Subj 3rd Plur
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γένημα
- Meaning:
- product, produce, fruit, yield (of vegetables)
- harvest
- offspring, child
- Note: Alternate spelling: γέννημα
- Forms:
- γενήμασι, γενήμασιν
- Parse: Noun: Dat Plur Neut
- Root: γένημα
- γενήματα
- γενήματι
- Parse: Noun: Dat Sing Neut
- Root: γένημα
- γενήματος
- Parse: Noun: Gen Sing Neut
- Root: γένημα
- γενημάτων
- Parse: Noun: Gen Plur Neut
- Root: γένημα
- γενην
- γενήσεσθαι
- γενήσεσθε
- Parse: Verb: Fut Mid Ind 2nd Plur
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενήσεται
- Parse: Verb: Fut Mid Ind 3rd Sing
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γένησθε
- Parse: Verb: 2Aor Mid Subj 2nd Plur
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενήσομαι
- Parse: Verb: Fut Mid Ind 1st Sing
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενησόμενα
- Parse:
- Part: Fut Mid Nom Sing Fem
- Part: Fut Mid Nom/Acc Plur Neut
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενησομένας
- Parse:
- Part: Fut Mid Gen Sing Fem
- part: Fut Mid Acc Plur Fem
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενησομένη
- Parse: Part: Fut Mid Nom Sing Fem
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενησομένην
- Parse:
- Part: Fut Mid Acc Sing Fem
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενησομένοις
- Parse:
- Part: Fut Mid Dat Plur Masc/Neut
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενησόμενον
- Parse: Part: Fut Mid Nom/Acc Sing Neut
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενησόμενος
- Parse: Part: Fut Mid Nom Sing Masc
- Root: γίγνομαι
- γενησομένου
- Parse: Part: Fut Mid Gen Sing Masc/Neut
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενησομένους
- Parse: Part: Fut Mid Acc Plur Masc
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενησομένῳ
- Parse:
- Part: Fut Mid Dat Sing Masc/Neut
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενησομένων
- Parse: Part: Fut Mid Gen Plur MFN
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενήσονται
- Parse: Verb: Fut Mid Ind 3rd Plur
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γένηται
- Parse: Verb: 2Aor Mid Subj 3rd Sing
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενητά
- Parse:
- Adj: Nom Sing Fem
- Adj: Nom/Acc Plur Neut
- Root:γενητός
- γενητήν
- Parse: Adj: Acc Sing Fem
- Root: γενητός
- γενητός
- Parse:
- Meaning:
- Forms:
- γενητοῦ Adj: Gen Sing Masc/Neut
- γενητὴν Adj: Acc Sing Fem
- γενητῶν Adj: Gen Plur MFN
- γενητοῦ
- Parse: Adj: Gen Sing Masc/Neut
- Root: γενητός
- γενητῶν
- Parse: Adj: Gen Plur MFN
- Root: γενητός
- γενικῆς
- Parse: Adj: Gen Sing Fem
- Root: γενικός
- γενικός
- Parse: Adj: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning:
- pertaining to birth
- belonging to or connected with the family or race
- Forms:
Singular |
| Masc | Fem | Neut |
NOM | γενικός | γενική | γενικόν |
GEN | γενικοῦ | γενικῆς | γενικοῦ |
DAT | γενικῷ | γενικῇ | γενικῷ |
ACC | γενικόν | γενικήν | γενικόν |
Plural |
| Masc | Fem | Neut |
NOM | γενικοί | γενικαί | γενικά |
GEN | γενικῶν | γενικῶν | γενικῶν |
DAT | γενικοῖς | γενικαῖς | γενικοῖς |
ACC | γενικούς | γενικάς | γενικά |
- γεννᾷ
- Parse: Verb: Pres Act Ind 3rd Sing
- Root: γεννάω
- γενναία
- γενναῖα
- Parse: Adj: Nom/Acc Plur Neut
- Root: γενναῖος
- γενναίᾳ
- Parse #1: Adj: Dat Sing Fem
- Root: γενναῖος
- ——
- Parse #2:
- Verb: Fut Mid Ind 2nd Sing
- Verb: Fut Act Ind 3rd Sing
- Root: γενναιάζω
- γενναιάζω
- Meaning: to be brave
- Forms:
- γενναίᾳ Verb: Fut Mid Ind 2nd Sing
- γενναίᾳ Verb: Fut Act Ind 3rd Sing
- γενναῖοι
- Parse: Adj: Nom Plur Masc
- Root: γενναῖος
- γενναῖον
- Parse:
- Adj: Acc Sing Masc
- Adj: Nom/Acc Sing Neut
- Root: γενναῖος
- γενναῖος
- Parse: Adj: Nom Sing Masc
- Note: For comparative, see γενναιότερος
- Note: For superlative, see γενναιότατος
- Meaning: genuine, noble, true to one's birth or descent, excellent
- Forms:
- γενναιότατοι
- γενναιότατον
- Parse:
- Adj: Nom/Acc Sing Neut
- Adj: Acc Sing Masc
- Root: γενναῖος
- γενναιότατος
- Parse: Superlative Adj: Nom Sing Masc
- Note: Superlative of γενναῖος
- Meaning: most noble, most excellent
- γενναιοτέρα
- γενναιοτέραν
- Parse:
- Comparative Adj: Gen Plur Masc
- Comparative Adj: Acc Sing Fem
- Root: γενναιότερος
- γενναιότερος
- Parse: Comparative Adj: Nom Sing Masc
- Note: Comparative of γενναῖος
- Meaning: more noble, more excellent
- γενναιοτέρων
- γενναιότης
- Meaning: nobility of mind, nobility of character, bravery
- Forms:
- γενναιότητι
- γενναιότητα
- γενναιότητος
- γενναίους
- Parse: Adj: Acc Plur Masc
- Root: γενναῖος
- γενναίῳ
- Parse: Adj: Dat Sing Masc/Neut
- Root: γενναῖος
- γενναίως
- Parse: Adverb
- Meaning:
- nobly, bravely
- in most effective manner
- γένναν
- Parse:
- Verb: Pres Act Infin
- Verb: Imperf Act Ind 3rd Plur
- Part: Pres Act Nom/Acc Sing Neut
- Root:γεννάω
- γεννᾶσθαι
- Parse:
- Verb: Pres Mid/Pass Infin
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννᾶται
- Parse: Verb: Pres Mid/Pass Ind 3rd Sing
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννάω
- Active Meaning:
- to generate
- to bring forth, produce (fruit), produce (children)
- Of men to father, beget, become the father of (someone) (literally or figuratively)
- Of women to bear, bring forth, give birth
- Passive Meaning:
- γεννηθείς
- Parse: Part: Aor Pass Nom Sing Masc
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννηθεῖσι, γεννηθεῖσιν
- Parse: Part: Aor Pass Dat Plur Masc/Neut
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννηθέν
- Parse: Part: Aor Pass Nom/Acc Sing Neut
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννηθέντα
- Parse:
- Part: Aor Pass Nom Acc Sing Masc
- Part: Aor Pass Nom/Acc Plur Neut
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννηθέντας
- Parse:
- Part: Aor Pass Acc Plur Masc
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννηθέντες
- Parse: Part: Aor Pass Nom Plur Masc
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννηθέντι
- Parse:
- Part: Aor Pass Dat Sing Masc/Neut
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννηθέντος
- Parse: Part: Aor Pass Gen Sing Masc
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννηθέντων
- Parse: Part: Aor Pass Gen Plur Masc/Neut
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννηθῇ
- Parse: Verb: Aor Pass Subj 3rd Sing
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννηθῆναι
- Parse: Verb: Aor Pass Infin
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννηθήσεσθαι
- γεννηθήσεσθε
- Parse: Verb: Fut Pass Ind 2nd Plur
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννηθήσεται
- Parse: Verb: Fut Pass Ind 3rd Sing
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννηθῆτε
- Parse: Verb: Aor Pass Subj 2nd Plur
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννηθῶσι, γεννηθῶσιν
- Parse: Verb: Aor Pass Subj 3rd Plur
- Root: γεννάω
- γέννημα
- Meaning:
- child, offspring
- that which is produced, product, produce
- fruit, brood, etc
- Note: Alternate spelling: γένημα
- Forms:
- γεννήμασι, γεννήμασιν
- Parse: Noun: Dat Plur Neut
- Root: γέννημα
- γεννήματα
- Parse:
- Noun: Nom/Acc Plur Neut
- Noun: Voc Plur Neut
- Root: γέννημα
- γεννήματι
- γεννήματος
- Parse: Noun: Gen Sing Neut
- Root: γέννημα
- γεννημάτων
- Parse: Noun: Gen Plur Neut
- Root: γέννημα
- γεννῆσαι
- Parse: Verb: 1Aor Act Infin
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννησαμένης
- Parse:
- Part: Aor Mid Gen Sing Fem
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννήσαντα
- Parse: Part: Aor Act Acc Sing Masc
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννήσαντες
- Parse: Part: Aor Act Nom Plur Masc
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννήσαντος
- Parse: Part: Aor Act Gen Sing Masc/Neut
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννήσας
- Parse:
- Part: Aor act Nom/Voc Sing Masc
- Verb: Aor Act Ind 2nd Sing
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννήσασι, γεννήσασιν
- Parse: Part: Aor Act Dat Plur Masc/Neut
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννήσει
- Parse #1: Verb: Fut Act Ind 3rd Sing
- Root: γεννάω
- ——
- Parse #2: Noun: Dat Sing Fem
- Root: γέννησις
- γεννήσεις
- Parse #1: Verb: Fut Act Ind 2nd Sing
- Root: γεννάω
- ——
- Parse #2: Noun: Nom Sing Fem
- Root: γέννησις
- γεννήσεως
- Parse: Noun: Gen Sing Fem
- Root: γέννησις
- γεννήσῃ
- Parse:
- Verb: Aor Act Subj 3rd Sing
- Verb: Fut Mid Ind 2nd Sing
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννήσῃς
- Parse: Verb: 1Aor Act Subj 2nd Sing
- Root: γεννάω
- γέννησις
- Meaning:
- procreation
- progeny
- birth; nativity, offspring
- γεννήσομεν
- Parse:
- Verb: Fut Act Ind 1st Plur
- Verb: Aor Act Subj 1st Plur
- Root:γεννάω
- γεννητικός
- Parse:
- Meaning:
- Forms:
- γεννητικόν
- Adj: Nom/Acc Sing Neut
- Adj: Acc Sing Masc
- γεννήτορα
- γεννητόρων
- γεννήσω
- Parse: Verb: Fut Act Ind 1st Sing
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννήσωσι, γεννήσωσιν
- Parse:
- Verb: Pres Act Subj 3rd Plur
- Verb: Aor Act Subj 3rd Plur
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννητοῖς
- Parse: Adj: Dat Plur Masc/Neut
- Root: γεννητός
- γεννητός
- Parse: Adj: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: begotten, born
- Forms:
Singular |
| Masc | Fem | Neut |
NOM | γεννητός | γεννητή | γεννητόν |
GEN | γεννητοῦ | γεννητής | γεννητοῦ |
DAT | γεννητῷ | γεννητῇ | γεννητῷ |
ACC | γεννητόν | γεννητήν | γεννητόν |
Plural |
| Masc | Fem | Neut |
NOM | γεννητοί | γεννηταί | γεννητά |
GEN | γεννητῶν | γεννητῶν | γεννητῶν |
DAT | γεννητοῖς | γεννηταῖς | γεννητοῖς |
ACC | γεννητούς | γεννητάς | γεννητά |
- γεννήτωρ
- Meaning: begetter, parent
- Forms:
- γεννήτορος Noun: Gen Sing Masc
- γεννώμενα
- Parse: Part: Pres Mid/Pass Nom/Acc Plur Neut
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννωμένοις
- Parse: Part: Pres Mid/Pass Dat Plur Masc/Neut
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννώμενον
- Parse:
- Part: Pres Mid/Pass Nom Sing Neut
- Part: Pres Mid/Pass Nom Sing Neut
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννώμενος
- Parse: Part: Pres Mid/Pass Nom Sing Masc
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννωμένων
- Parse: Part: Pres Mid/Pass Gen Plur MFN
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννῶνται
- Parse: Verb: Pres Mid/Pass Ind 3rd Plur
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννῶντας
- Parse:
- Part: Pres Act Acc Plur Masc
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννῶσα
- Parse: Part: Pres Act Nom Sing Fem
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννῶσαν
- Parse: Part: Pres Act Acc Sing Fem
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννώσας
- Parse: Part: Pres Act Acc Plur Fem
- Root: γεννάω
- γεννῶσι, γεννῶσιν
- Parse: Verb: Pres Act Ind 3rd Plur
- Root: γεννάω
- γένοιθ’
- Parse:
- Verb: Aor Mid Opt 3rd Sing
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενοίμεθα
- Parse: Verb: Aor Mid Opt 1st Plur
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενοίμην
- Parse: Verb: Aor Mid Opt 1st Sing
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γένοιντο, γένοιντ’
- Parse: Verb: Aor Mid Opt 3rd Plur
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γένοιο
- Parse: Verb: Aor Mid Opt 2nd Sing
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γένοισθε
- Parse:
- Verb: Aor Mid Opt 2nd Plur
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γένοιτ'
- Parse: Verb: Aor Mid Opt 3rd Sing
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γένοιτο
- Parse: Verb: 2Aor Mid Opt 3rd Sing
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενόμενα
- Parse: Part: 2Aor Mid Nom/Acc Plur Neut
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενόμεναι
- Parse: Part: 2Aor Mid Nom Plur Fem
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενομέναις
- Parse:
- Part: Aor Mid Dat Plur Fem
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενομένας
- Parse: Part: Aor Mid Acc Plur Fem
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενομένη
- Parse: Part: 2Aor Mid Nom Sing Fem
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενομένῃ
- Parse: Part: 2Aor Mid Dat Sing Fem
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενομένην
- Parse: Part: 2Aor Mid Acc Sing Fem
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενομένης
- Parse: Part: 2Aor Mid Gen Sing Fem
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενόμενοι
- Parse: Part: 2Aor Mid Nom Plur Masc
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενομένοις
- Parse: Part: 2Aor Mid Dat Plur Masc/Neut
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενόμενον
- Parse:
- Part: 2Aor Mid Nom/Acc Sing Neut
- Part: 2Aor Mid Acc Sing Masc
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενόμενος
- Parse: Part: 2Aor Mid Nom Sing Masc
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενομένου
- Parse: Part: 2Aor Mid Gen Sing Masc/Neut
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενομένους
- Parse: Part: Aor Mid Acc Plur Masc
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενομένῳ
- Parse: Part: Aor Mid Dat Sing Masc/Neut
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενομένων
- Parse: Part: 2Aor Mid Gen Plur MFN
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γένος
- Meaning:
- division into which entities are classified
- race, stock
- class, kind, type, species
- division into which entities are classified
- descendants of a common ancestor
- family, relatives
- nation, people
- offspring
- Forms:
Neuter |
| Singular | Plural |
NOM | γένος | γένη |
GEN | γένους | γενέων, γενῶν |
DAT | γένει | γένεσι(ν) |
ACC | γένος | γένη |
VOC | γένος | γένη |
- γενοῦ
- Parse: Verb: 2Aor Mid Imperative 2nd Sing
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γένους
- Parse: Noun: Gen Sing Neut
- Root: γένος (race, family)
- γένυν
- Parse: Noun: Acc Sing Fem
- Root: γένυς
- γένυος
- Parse: Noun: Gen Sing Fem
- Root: γένυς
- γένυς
- Meaning: jaw
- Forms:
- γένυν Noun: Acc Sing Fem
- γένυος Noun: Gen Sing Fem
- γένωμαι
- Parse: Verb: 2Aor Mid Subj 1st Sing
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενώμεθα
- Parse: Verb: Aor Mid Subj 1st Plur
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)
- γενῶν
- Parse: Noun: Gen Plur Neut
- Root: γένος (race, family)
- γένωνται
- Parse: Verb: 2Aor Mid Subj 3rd Plur
- Root: γίνομαι (to be, become)
- Root: γίγνομαι (to be, become)