- βοᾷ
- Parse: Verb: Pres Act Ind 3rd Sing
- Root: βοάω
- βοαί
- βοᾶν
- Parse: Verb: Pres Act Infin
- Root: βοάω
- βόας
- Parse: Noun: Acc Plur Masc/Fem
- Root: βοῦς
- βοᾷς
- Parse: Noun: Pres Act Ind 2nd Sing
- Root: βοῦς
- βοᾶτε
- Parse: Verb: Pres Act Ind/Imperative 2nd Plur
- Root: βοάω
- βοάω
- Meaning:
- to call, yell, shout, holler, cry out
- to cry aloud (in anguish or for help)
- to call (on God in prayer)
- to address and call on (for action)
- Forms: