- θυγάτηρ
- Meaning:
- daughter
- female member of a community
- inhabitant (of a city or land)
- small villages surrounding a large city (i.e., daughter communities). See Judges ch 1:27
- Forms:
Feminine Singular Plural NOM θυγάτηρ θυγατέρες GEN θυγατρός,
θυγατέροςθυγατέρων DAT θυγατρί,
θυγατέρσι(ν)ACC θυγατέρα,
θυγατέραθυγατέρας VOC θύγατερ θυγατέρες - Meaning:
- θυγατράσι, θυγατράσιν
- Parse: Noun: Dat Plur Fem
- Root: θυγάτηρ
- θυγατριδῆ
- Meaning:
- daughter's daughter, granddaughter
- Forms:
- θυγατριδῆν Noun: Acc Sing Fem
- Meaning:
- θυγατριδοῦς
- Meaning:
- daughter's son; grandson
- Forms:
- θυγατριδοῦν Noun: Acc Sing Masc
- θυγατριδοῖς Noun: Dat Plur Masc
- Meaning:
- θυγάτριον
- Meaning:
- little daughter
- young daughter
- Forms:
- Meaning:
- θυεία
- Meaning: a mortar
- Forms:
- θύϊνος
- Parse: Adj: Nom/Acc Plur Neut
- Meaning: made of citron wood, thyine
- Forms:
- θύϊνον Adj: Nom/Acc Sing Neut
- θυίσκαι, θυΐσκαι
- Root: θυΐσκη
- θυΐσκη
- Meaning: censer
- Forms:
Feminine Singular Plural NOM θυίσκη, θυΐσκη θυίσκαι, θυΐσκαι GEN θυίσκης, θυΐσκης θυίσκῶν, θυϊσκῶν DAT θυίσκῃ, θυΐσκῃ θυίσκαις, θυΐσκαις ACC θυίσκην, θυΐσκην θυίσκας, θυΐσκας VOC θυίσκη, θυΐσκη θυίσκαι, θυΐσκαι
- θυίσκην, θυΐσκην
- Parse: Noun: Acc Sing Fem
- Root: θυΐσκη
- θυισκῶν, θυϊσκῶν
- Parse: Noun: Gen Plur Fem
- Root: θυΐσκη
- θυλάκιον
- Meaning: a little bag, money bag
- Forms:
- θύλακος
- Meaning: a bag, pouch, wallet, money bag
- θῦμα
- Meaning:
- sacrifice, offering (i.e., thing offered for sacrifice)
- slaughtered animal
- Forms:
- Meaning:
- θυμελικός
- Parse:
- Adj: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning:
- theatrical
- Forms:
- θυμελικοῖς Adj: Dat Plur Masc/Neut
- Parse:
- θυμηρέστερος
- Parse: Comparative Adj: Nom Sing Masc
- Note: Comparative of θυμήρης
- Meaning: more pleasing, more delightful
- θυμήρης
- Parse: Adj: Nom Sing Masc
- Note: For comparative, see θυμηρέστερος
- Meaning:
- pleasing (to the heart)
- dear, welcome
- delightful
- θυμιάζω
- Meaning:
- to burn (incense) and produce smoke
- to apply to one's own body
- Forms:
- ἐθυμίασαν Verb: 1Aor Act Ind 3rd Plur
- ἐθυμιάσατε Verb: Aor Act Ind 2nd Plur
- ἐθυμίασε(ν) Verb: Aor Act Ind 3rd Sing
- Meaning:
- θυμιαθῆναι
- Parse: Verb: Aor Pass Infin
- Root: θυμιάω (to burn)
- θυμίαμα
- Meaning:
- incense, aroma, odour, incense offering
- spice
- Forms:
- Meaning:
- θυμιάμασι, θυμιάμασιν
- Parse: Noun: Dat Plur Neut
- Root: θυμίαμα
- θυμιάματος
- Parse: Noun: Gen Sing Neut
- Root: θυμίαμα
- θυμιαμάτων
- Parse: Noun: Gen Plur Neut
- Root: θυμίαμα
- θυμιατήρια
- Root: θυμιατήριον
- θυμιατήριον
- Meaning:
- censer, altar of incense
- altar on which incense is burned
- Forms:
- Meaning:
- θυμιατηρίῳ
- Parse: Noun: Dat Sing Neut
- Root: θυμιατήριον
- θυμιάω
- Meaning:
- to burn incense, offer incense
- to make an incense offering
- to fumigate
- Forms:
- Meaning:
- θυμικός
- Parse: Adj: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: hot-tempered, irascible, passionate, high-spirited
- θυμιῶντα
- Parse:
- Part: Pres Act Nom/Acc Plur Neut
- Part: Pres Act Acc Sing Masc
- Root: θυμιάω (to burn)
- Parse:
- θυμοειδής
- Parse:
- Adj: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning:
- high-spirited, hot-tempered
- courageous
- Forms:
- θυμοειδὲς Adj: Nom/Acc Sing Neut
- Parse:
- θυμοίθυμιάω
- Root: θυμός
- θυμομαχέω
- Meaning: to be very angry, be in a furious fight, be exasperated, be highly displeased
- Forms:
- θυμομαχῶν Part: Pres Act Nom Sing Masc
- θυμός
- Meaning:
- soul, spirit, mind
- angry emotion: temper, anger, fury, rage
- indignation
- mental disposition (e.g., temper)
- passion: sorrow, longing, courage
- Note:
Anger (θυμός) is a common human emotion that arises in response to perceived injustice, frustration, or threat. It can be a temporary feeling that motivates action or communication. Anger can be constructive when expressed in a healthy way, leading to problem-solving or seeking justice. However, when unchecked, anger can lead to destructive behaviors.
Wrath (ὀργή) is a more intense and prolonged form of anger, often characterized by a deep desire for revenge or inflicting harm on others. Wrath goes beyond ordinary anger in intensity and duration, fueled by resentment and a sense of moral indignation. Wrath often involves a sense of entitlement or a belief that one has been wronged. It can lead to destructive actions and long-lasting negative consequences.
In summary, anger is a normal human emotion that can be managed and channeled constructively, while wrath is a more intense and destructive emotion that often involves revenge or retribution. - Forms:
- Meaning:
- θυμούμενος
- Parse: Part: Pres Mid/Pass Nom Sing Masc
- Root: θυμόω (to provoke)
- θυμόω
- Meaning:
- to enrage, make angry, be wroth, put in a passion
- to excite to anger, irritate
- to be incensed
- Note: "anger" is a feeling, while "wrath" is an action
- Forms:
- Meaning:
- θυμώδης
- Parse: Adj: Nom Sing Masc/Fem
- Meaning:
- fierce, furious, passionate, angry, quick tempered
- agitated by anger; given to anger
- Forms:
- θυμώδει Adj: Dat Sing Masc/Neut
- θυμώδεις Adj: Nom Plur Masc
- θυμώδους Adj: Gen Sing Masc/Neut
- θυμωθήσεσθαι
- Parse: Verb: Fut Pass Infin
- Root: θυμόω (to provoke)
- θυμωθήσεται
- Parse: Verb: Fut Pass Ind 3rd Sing
- Root: θυμόω (to provoke)
- θυμωθήσομαι
- Parse: Verb: Fut Pass Ind 1st Sing
- Root: θυμόω (to provoke)
- θύννος
- Meaning: tuna, tunny fish
- θύρα
- Meaning: door, gate, entrance
- Forms:
- θύραζε
- Parse:
- Adverb
- Meaning: to the door
- Parse:
- θυραυλέω
- Parse:
- Verb: Pres Act Ind 1st Sing
- Meaning:
- to camp outdoors, live in the open air
- Forms:
- θυραυλεῖν Verb: Pres Act Infin
- Parse:
- θυρεός
- Meaning: a large shield, oblong shield, buckler
- Forms:
- θυρεοφόροι
- Root: θυρεοφόρος
- θυρεοφόρος
- Meaning: shield bearer, bearing a shield, armed with a shield
- θυρίς
- Meaning: alcove, opening, window (without glass for glass windows were not invented until about 1000AD)
- Note: Also see ὑπολαμπάς
- Forms:
- θυρόωθυρίς
- Meaning:
- to furnish with doors
- to hang with doors
- to shut, close
- Forms:
- ἐθύρωσαν Verb: 1Aor Act Ind 3rd Plur
- Meaning:

- θύρσος
- Meaning:
- the thyrsus
- the staff of Dionysus
- staff entwined with ivy and a pine cone on top
- Meaning:
- θύρωμα
- Meaning: door, doorway
- Forms:
- θυρωρός
- Meaning: doorkeeper, a gate warden, porter
- θύρωσις
- Meaning: door furnishing
- θυσία
- Meaning: sacrifice, offering (of flesh)
- Forms:
- θυσιάζομεν
- Parse: Verb: Pres Act Ind 1st Plur
- Root: θυσιάζω
- θυσιαζομένων
- Parse: Part: Pres Mid/Pass Gen Plur MFN
- Root: θυσιάζω
- θυσιάζοντες
- Parse: Part: Pres Act Nom Plur Masc
- Root: θυσιάζω
- θυσιάζοντι
- Parse: Part: Pres Act Dat Sing Masc/Neut
- Root: θυσιάζω
- θυσιαζόντων
- Parse: Part: Pres Act Gen Plur Masc/Neut
- Root: θυσιάζω
- θυσιάζουσι, θυσιάζουσιν
- Parse: Verb: Pres Act Ind 3rd Plur
- Root: θυσιάζω
- θυσιάζω
- Meaning:
- to sacrifice
- to make an offering
- to slaughter
- Forms:
- θυσιάσων
- Part: Fut Act Gen Plur Fem
- Part: Fut Act Nom Sing Massc
- θυσιάσειν Verb: Fut Act Infin
- θυσιάζοντος Part: Pres Act Gen Sing Masc/Neut
- ἐθυσίαζε(ν) Verb: Imperfect Act Ind 3rd Sing
- ἐθυσίαζον Verb: Imperfect Act Ind 1st Sing
- ἐθυσίαζον Verb: Imperfect Act Ind 3rd Plur
- ἐθυσίασαν Verb: 1Aor Act Ind 3rd Plur
- ἐθυσίασε(ν) Verb: Aor Act Ind 3rd Sing
- θυσιάσαι Verb: Aor Act Infin
- θυσιάσετε Verb: Fut Act Ind 2nd Plur
- θυσιάσουσι(ν) Verb: Fut Act Ind 3rd Plur
- θυσιάσωσι(ν) Verb: Aor Act Subj 3rd Plur
- θυσιάζειν Verb: Pres Act Infin
- θυσιάζῃ Verb: Pres Act Subj 3rd Sing
- θυσιάζομεν Verb: Pres Act Ind 1st Plur
- θυσιαζομένων Part: Pres Mid/Pass Gen Plur Neut
- θυσιάζοντες Part: Pres Act Nom Plur Masc
- θυσιάζοντι Part: Pres Act Dat Sing Masc
- θυσιαζόντων Part: Pres Act Gen Plur Masc
- θυσιάζουσι(ν) Verb: Pres Act Ind 3rd Plur
- θυσιάζων Part: Pres Act Nom Sing Masc
- θυσιάσων
- Meaning:
- θυσιάσει
- Parse:
- Verb: Fut Mid Ind 2nd Sing
- Verb: Fut Act Ind 3rd Sing
- Verb: Aor Act Subj 3rd Sing
- Root: θυσιάζω
- Parse:
- θυσίασμα
- Meaning: an offering, animal sacrifice, victim
- Forms:
- θυσιάσματα
- Root: θυσίασμα
- θυσιάσματος
- Parse: Noun: Gen Sing Neut
- Root: θυσίασμα
- θυσιασμάτων
- Parse: Noun: Gen Plur Neut
- Root: θυσίασμα
- θυσιάσουσι, θυσιάσουσιν
- Parse: Verb: Fut Act Ind 3rd Plur
- Root: θυσιάζω
- θυσιαστήρια
- Root: θυσιαστήριον
- θυσιαστήριον
- Meaning:
- altar (to which offerings are made)
- sanctuary (area around the altar)
- Forms:
- Meaning:
- θυσιαστηρίου
- Parse: Noun: Gen Sing Neut
- Root: θυσιαστήριον
- θυσιαστηρίῳ
- Parse: Noun: Dat Sing Neut
- Root: θυσιαστήριον
- θυσιαστηρίων
- Parse: Noun: Gen Plur Neut
- Root: θυσιαστήριον
- θυσιάσωσι, θυσιάσωσιν
- Parse:
- Verb: Pres Act Subj 3rd Plur
- Verb: Aor Act Subj 3rd Plur
- Root: θυσιάζω
- Parse:
- θύσωσι, θύσωσιν
- Parse:
- Verb: Pres Act Subj 3rd Plur
- Verb: Aor Act Subj 3rd Plur
- Root: θύω (to sacrifice)
- Parse:
- θύτης
- Meaning: sacrificer
- θύω
- Meaning:
- to sacrifice, offer by burning
- to slaughter, kill, slay
- to celebrate (after a slaughter or sacrifice)
- Forms:
- θύσων Part: Fut Act Nom Sing Masc
- θύσοντας Part: Fut Act Acc Plur Masc
- θύσασι Part: Aor Act Dat Plur Masc/Neut
- θύσαντος Part: Aor Act Gen Sing Masc/Neut
- θῦσαν
- Part: Aor Act Nom/Acc Neut
- Verb: Aor Act Ind 3rd Plur
- θυομένῳ Part: Pres Mid/Pass Dat Sing Masc/Neut
- θυόμενον
- Part: Pres Mid/Pass Nom/Acc Sing Neut
- Part: Pres Mid/Pass Acc Sing Masc
- θύῃ
- Verb: Pres Act Subj 3rd Sing
- Verb: Pres Mid/Pass Ind/Subj 2nd Sing
- θύεται Verb: Pres Mid/Pass Ind 3rd Sing
- θύοντα
- Part: Acc Sing Masc
- Part: Nom/Acc Plur Neut
- θύσοντες Part: Fut Act Nom Plur Masc
- θύσειν Verb: Fut Act Infin
- θύουσα Part: Pres Act Nom Sing Fem
- θυομένου Part: Pres Mid/Pass Gen Sing Masc/Neut
- ἔθυε(ν) Verb: Imperfect Act Ind 3rd Sing
- ἔθυον Verb: Imperfect Act Ind 1st Sing
- ἔθυον Verb: Imperfect Act Ind 3rd Plur
- ἐθυθη Verb: Aor Pass Ind 3rd Sing
- ἔθυσα Verb: 1Aor Act Ind 1st Sing
- ἔθυσαν Verb: 1Aor Act Ind 3rd Plur
- ἔθυσας Verb: Aor Act Ind 2nd Sing
- ἔθυσε(ν) Verb: Aor Act Ind 3rd Sing
- ἐτύθη Verb: Aor Pass Ind 3rd Sing
- θύομεν Verb: Pres Act Ind 1st Plur
- θύει Verb: Pres Act Ind 3rd Sing
- θύειν Verb: Pres Act Infin
- θύεσθαι Verb: Pres Mid/Pass Infin
- θύοντες Part: Pres Act Nom Plur Masc
- θύοντι Part: Pres Act Dat Sing Masc
- θύοντος Part: Pres Act Gen Sing Masc/Neut
- θυόντων Part: Pres Act Gen Plur Masc
- θύουσι(ν) Verb: Pres Act Ind 3rd Plur
- θῦσαι Verb: Aor Act Infin
- θύσαντες Part: Aor Act Nom Plur Masc
- θύσας Part: Aor Act Nom Sing Masc
- θύσατε Verb: Aor Act Imperative 2nd Plur
- θυσάτωσαν Verb: Aor Act Imperative 3rd Plur
- θύσει Verb: Fut Act Ind 3rd Sing
- θύσεις Verb: Fut Act Ind 2nd Sing
- θύσετε Verb: Fut Act Ind 2nd Plur
- θύσῃ Verb: Aor Act Subj 3rd Sing
- θύσῃς Verb: Aor Act Subj 2nd Sing
- θύσητε Verb: Aor Act Subj 2nd Plur
- θύσομεν Verb: Fut Act Ind 1st Plur
- θῦσον Verb: Aor Act Imperative 2nd Sing
- θύσουσι(ν) Verb: Fut Act Ind 3rd Plur
- θύσω Verb: Fut Act Ind 1st Sing
- θύσωμεν Verb: Aor Act Subj 1st Plur
- θύσωσι Verb: Aor Act Subj 3rd Plur
- θύσωσι(ν) Verb: Aor Act Subj 3rd Plur
- θύων Part: Pres Act Nom Sing Masc
- τέθυκα Verb: Perf Act Ind 1st Sing
- τεθύκασιν Verb: Perf Act Ind 3rd Plur
- τεθυμένα Part: Perf Mid/Pass Nom/Acc Plur Neut
- τυθῇ Verb: Aor Pass Subj 3rd Sing
- Meaning: