- αὐθάδεια
- Meaning: stubbornness, self-will, willfulness, arrogance, contumacy, presumption, insolence
- Forms:
- αὐθάδειαν
- αὐθάδεις
- Parse: Adj: Nom Plur Masc
- Root: αὐθάδης
- αὐθάδη
- Parse:
- Adj: Acc Sing MFN
- Adj: Nom Sing Neut
- Root: αὐθάδης
- αὐθάδης
- Parse: Adj: Nom Sing Masc/Fem
- Meaning:
- selfish, self-willed, self-pleasing, self-centered
- stubborn, arrogant
- Forms:
Singular |
| Masc | Fem | Neut |
NOM | αὐθάδης | αὐθάδες |
GEN | αὐθάδους |
DAT | αὐθάδει |
ACC | αὐθάδη | αὐθάδες |
Plural |
| Masc | Fem | Neut |
NOM | αὐθάδεις | αὐθάδη |
GEN | αὐθαδῶν, αὐθάδων |
DAT | αὐθάδεσι(ν) |
ACC | αὐθάδεις | αὐθάδη |
- αὐθαίρετοι
- αὐθαίρετος
- Parse: Adj: Nom Sing Masc/Fem
- Meaning: self-chosen, voluntary, of own accord, willing of self
- Forms:
- αὐθαιρέτως
- Parse: Adverb
- Meaning: voluntarily, of one's own accord
- αὐθέντας
- Parse: Noun: Acc Plur Masc
- Root: αὐθέντης
- αὐθεντεῖν
- Parse: Verb: Pres Act Infin
- Root: αὐθεντέω
- αὐθεντέω
- Meaning: to domineer, act of oneself, dominate, usurp authority over
- Forms:
- αὐθεντεῖν Verb: Pres Act Infin
- αὐθέντης
- Meaning:
- murderer
- master, autocrat
- αὐθεντία
- Meaning:
- restriction, status
- absolute sway, authority
- autonomous district
- Forms:
- αὐθεντίαν
- Parse: Noun: Acc Sing Fem
- Root: αὐθεντία
- αὐθεντικόν
- Parse:
- Adj: Acc Sing Masc
- Adj: Nom/Acc Sing Neut
- Root: αὐθεντικός
- αὐθεντικός
- Parse: Adj: Nom Sing Masc
- Meaning: original
- Forms:
- αὐθεντικόν Adj: Nom Sing Acc
- αὐθεντικόν Adj: Nom/Acc Sing Neut
- αὐθεντικῶς
- Parse: Adverb
- Meaning: with perfect clarity
- αὐθημερινός
- Parse: Adj: Nom Sing Masc
- Adjectival Meaning:
- ephemeral, day-time, part-time
- Substantival Meaning:
- Note: μίσθιος αὐθημερινοῦ = day labourer
- Forms:
- αὐθημερινοῦ Adj: Gen Sing Masc/Neut
- αὐθημερινοῦ
- αὐθημερόν
- Parse: Adverb
- Meaning:
- on the very day, on the same day
- immediately, made or done on the very day
- αὖθις
- Parse: Adverb
- Meaning:
- back, back again
- moreover, in turn, on the other hand
- αὐθωρεί
- Parse: Adverb
- Meaning: at the moment, in that very hour, immediately, instantly
- αὐθωρί
- Parse: Adverb
- Meaning: at the moment, in that very hour, immediately, instantly