1Aor = First Aorist Tense
1Chron = First Chronicles
1Clem = Clement's First Epistle to the Corinthians
1Cor = Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians
1Esdras = First Esdras
1John = John's First Epistle
1King = First Kings (aka Third Kings)
1Macc = First Maccabees
1Pet = Peter's First Epistle
1Sam = First Samuel (aka First Kings)
1st = First Person
1Thess = Paul's First Epistle to the Thessalonians
1Tim = Paul's First Epistle to Timothy
2Aor = Second Aorist Tense
2Chron = Second Chronicles
2Clem = Clement's Second Epistle to the Corinthians
2Cor = Paul's Second Epistle to the Corinthians
2John = John's Second Epistle
2King = Second Kings (aka Fourth Kings)
2Macc = Second Maccabees
2nd = Second Person
2Pet = Peter's Second Epistle
2Sam = Second Samuel (aka Second Kings)
2Thess = Paul's Second Epistle to the Thessalonians
2Tim = Paul's Second Epistle to Timothy
3John = John's Third Epistle
3Macc = Third Maccabees
3rd = Third Person
4Macc = Fourth Maccabees
Acc = Accusative Case
Act = Active Mode
Acts = Acts of the Apostles
Aor = Aorist Tense
Amos = Amos
Bar = Baruch
Barn = Epistle of Barnabas
Bel = Bel and Dragon
Cant = Song of Solomon
Col = Paul's Epistle to the Colossians
Dan = Daniel
Dat = Dative Case
Deut = Deuteronomy
Did = Didache of the Twelve Apostles
Dio = Epistle to Diognetus
Ecc = Ecclesiastes
Eph = Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians
Est = Esther
Ex = Exodus
Eze = Ezekiel
Ezra = Ezra (aka 2 Esdras)
Fem = Feminine
Fut = Future Tense
Gal = Paul's Epistle to the Galatians
Gen = Genesis
Gen = Genitive Case
Hab = Habakkuk
Hag = Haggai
Heb = Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews
Hos = Hosea
I-Eph = Ignatius's Epistle to the Ephesians
I-Phil = Ignatius's Epistle to the Philadelphians
I-Rom = Ignatius's Epistle to the Romans
Ind = Indicative Mode
Infin = Infinitive
Isa = Isaiah
Jas = Epistle of James
Jer = Jeremiah
Jeremy = Epistle of Jeremy
Job = Job
Joel = Joel
John = Gospel of John
Jonah = Jonah
Josh = Joshua
JoshA = Joshua Alexandria
JoshV = Joshua Vaticanus
Jud = Judith
Jude = Jude's Epistle
Judg = Judges
JudgA = Judges Alexandria
JudgV = Judges Vaticanus
LXX = Septuagint
Lam = Lamentations of Jeremiah
Lev = Leviticus
Luke = Gospel of Luke
Mag = Ignatius's Epistle to the Magnesians
Mal = Malachi
Man = Hermas: The Shepherd: Mandates
Mar = Irenaeus: The Martyrdom of Polycarp
Mark = Gospel of Mark
Masc = Masculine
Matt = Gospel of Matthew
Mid = Middle Mode
Micah = Micah
NT = New Testament
Nah = Nahum
Neh = Nehemiah
Neut = Neuter
Nom = Nominative Case
Num = Numbers
OT = Old Testament
Obadiah = Obadiah
Odes = Odes
Opt = Optative Mode
P-Phil = Polycarp's Epistle to the Philippians
Pap = Papias Fragments
Papt = Papias: Traditions of the Elders
Par = Hermas: The Shepherd: Parables
Part = Participle
Pass = Passive Mod
Perf = Perfect Tense
Phe = Paul's Epistle to Philemon
Phil = Paul's Epistle to the Philippians
Plur = Plural
Poly = Ignatius's Epistle to Polycarp
Pres = Present Tense
Prov = Proverbs
Ps = Psalms
Pss = Psalms of Solomon
Quad = Fragments of Quadratus
Rev = The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Rom = Paul's Epistle to the Romans
Ruth = Ruth
Sing = Singular
Sir = Wisdom of Sirach
Smy = Ignatius's Epistle to the Smyrnaeans
Song = Song of Solomon
Subj = Subjunctive
Susanna = Susanna
Tit = Paul's Epistle to Titus
TR = Textus Receptus
Tobit = Tobit
Tral = Ignatius's Epistle to the Trallians
Vis = Hermas: The Shepherd: Visions
Wis = Wisdom of Solomon
Zech = Zechariah
Zeph = Zephaniah